[Bloat] ONTs and ITU - T G.988

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 18:42:48 EST 2022

Up until this point I haven't cared all that much about fiber, as most
of my observations were that it had "reasonable" buffering and all I
could hold in my head was the 802.11 standards. Since cablemodems are
well on their way to being fixed, wifi is looking good, and I recently
came across an ONT that was actually underbuffered, my holiday reading
consisted of pounding through a ton of fiber specs like this one:


There's a lot of promising info in this spec starting from page 104.

My 1st question is - are there any ONTs that actually do do pause
frames? Or providers that configure for them?

My second is - what is a cheap way to setup a lab to emulate a good,
common, version of gpon e2e?

Third - what OS do these things run? Who makes a "good" one?

I tried to build a better future, a few times:

Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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