[Bloat] explaining orbits, gravity and thrust etc, in spanish

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 11:15:34 EDT 2023

I often get a bit down about the rise of tiktok and the relative
decline in the use of the internet to educate and inform. This
morning, my landlord (in nicaragua)'s 16 year old son, was watching


The visuals were often cheesy, but pretty accurate...

and I learned more technical terms in Spanish in one session than I
ever knew before. And we both dug it! I think I'll try to introduce
him to the idea of an O'Neil cylinder...

Podcast: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7058793910227111937/
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

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