[Cake] is there a patch for tc-adv somewhere for showing active_flows

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 09:31:58 EDT 2015

you now have commit access to both the sch_cake and tc-adv repos.

Anyone else want direct access?

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant
<kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk> wrote:
> On 30/09/15 12:28, Dave Taht wrote:
>> at the moment it seems best to keep working these out of tree versions, imho.
> The 'problem' with that Dave is that there are people here keen to be on
> the latest commits so that they may test the latest 'n' greatest code.
> Who doesn't want a willing set of fools^H^H^H^H^H^H testers trying to
> break code for free? :-)
> You've mentioned how great it is that things have been moving well
> recently, yes it is!  I'd say that some of that is down to someone in
> essence doing a bit of janitorial work in collecting commits together
> and pushing them into a central-ish repo, namely yours.  Personally
> speaking sending to your repo makes more sense as that's where the
> ceropackages repo points the openwrt users to go (well I think that's
> the case anyway)
> None of this is rocket surgery/brain science, somehow even I seem
> capable of merging repos/commits, but having some sort of idea in which
> repo active development is taking place so it can be collated & tested
> would be a very nice thing :-)
> From what I can work out at the moment, your github sch-cake repo is
> where you & JM work on the cake module, so hasn't diverged.  JM appears
> to work on iproute/tc in Toke's iproute2 repo, but you work on
> iproute/tc in your github/tc-adv repo - they did diverge a little, with
> trivial merge conflicts.  Are there any more?  What have I missed?
> Apologies, I'm a little frustrated by other events at the moment and I
> think that may have spilled into this email as well....no hurt/insult
> intended.
> Kevin
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Sebastian Moeller <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Jonathan,
>>> is Tokes repository the next best to master, or will all eventually accumulate in Dave’s repository? I just wonder which iproute2 to actually build on my test machine ;)
>>> Best Regards
>>>         Sebastian
>>> On Sep 30, 2015, at 11:55 , Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant <kevin at darbyshire-bryant.me.uk> wrote:
>>>> Dave,
>>>> I've pulled the commits from Toke's iproute2 repo in which Jonathan is
>>>> placing his stats & other tweaks and sent you a pull request:
>>>> https://github.com/dtaht/tc-adv/pull/3 to get them into your tc-adv repo
>>>> (which is slightly more cero/openwrt facing)
>>>> All the recent changes to cake & tc are running here.... livin' on the
>>>> bleeding edge :-)
>>>> Kevin
>>>> On 29/09/15 16:22, Jonathan Morton wrote:
>>>>> The big api change is in the stats output, which I'm still working
>>>>> on.  As a stop gap, I have already pushed a version with both sparse
>>>>> and bulk flows reporting.
>>>>> The config api is inherently extensible.
>>>>> - Jonathan Morton
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