[Cake] fq_codel on 3g network in Mauritius

moeller0 moeller0 at gmx.de
Sun Jul 24 13:21:23 EDT 2016

Hi Loganaden,

> On Jul 24, 2016, at 19:13 , Loganaden Velvindron <loganaden at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 6:40 PM, moeller0 <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> On Jul 24, 2016, at 13:28 , Jonathan Morton <chromatix99 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 24 Jul, 2016, at 13:53, moeller0 <moeller0 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> In theory interval can be different for ingress and egress (think old-school SAT-internet with modem upload) it probably is easiest to only configure one interval setting for the time being.
>>> Since the interval parameter depends on the RTT, not the one-way delay, it should always be the same both ways (except for inter-packet-time effects).
>>        Thanks for setting this straight. I was confused; the thing that lingered at the back of my mind was that if we do the target extension for one direction and correct the interval in that direction, we should also correct the interval in the other direction, especially since as Jonathan points out the interval describes the full back-and-forth path…
>> Best Regards
>>        Sebastian
> I've updated the target to be 22ms based on my current interval of 450ms.
> http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/4523668
> It's not pretty, but the quality is A or A+.
> It's interesting to see the saw tooth pattern for the upload. This was
> not the case when the target was 5ms, which I believe was calculated
> based on a 100ms worse rtt.

I just noticed you use the dslreports pre-canned profiles for measuring. I would recommend against doing that. As these will use different number of upstream/downstream flows per profile making comparisons between different profiles harder. I would recommend to get a free dslreports account and use the speed test configuration to use a fixed number of flows per direction (I typically use 16/16, but on slower links often I do not get all 16 going, in that case I retry with a lower number of flows, also set manually). After registration you can also request high resolution buffer bloat measurements, which nicely illustrate a link’s behavior under load (but might not work well on very slow links, so maybe you are already running the optimum configuration).

Best Regards

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