[Cake] Master branch updated

moeller0 moeller0 at gmx.de
Tue Oct 4 04:46:16 EDT 2016

Hi Jonathan,

> On Oct 4, 2016, at 09:22 , Jonathan Morton <chromatix99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’ve just merged the NAT, PTM

	About that PTM accounting, could you explain why you want to perform the adjustment as a a “virtual” size increase per packet instead of a “virtual” rate reduction? The arguments for adjusting the rate are as follows:
1) You only need to adjust the rate if the rate was changed compared to for each packet, which should save CPU time and be more efficient.

2) For most users the rate (potentially expressed as bits per second) will be larger than the typical packet size (around 1540 Bytes) so adjusting the rate should introduce less rounding imprecision. To put this in numbers 1540 Byte equal 12.32 Kbit.

I am confident that you have good reasons for you implementation decisions, all I want is to learn what those are.

Best Regards

P.S.: I realize that I am  looking like  a one-trick pony totally hung up on the overhead adjustment issue. I would prefer to let go, but I want to be certain that this is in good hands before I do this, as the value of doing these compensations IMHO depends on absolute meticulous attention (so needs any additional pair of eyes to peer over it).

> and Linux-4.8 compatibility stuff into the master branch of Cake.  It’s stable code and a definite improvement.
> This frees up the Cobalt branch for more experimentation, such as the rewrite of triple-isolate that I also just pushed.  I found a way to make it more DRR-like, by simply scaling down the quantum used for each host by the number of flows attached to that host.
> I still need to test whether it works as well as the old version, but it should at least be less CPU intensive.  In particular it should no longer require bursts of CPU activity when the host deficits expire, and host deficit expiry should no longer be explicitly synchronised.
> See if, between you, you can break it before I get back from shopping.  :-)
> - Jonathan Morton
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