[Cake] Getting Cake to work better with Steam and similar applications

Sebastian Moeller moeller0 at gmx.de
Thu Apr 20 14:16:05 EDT 2017

Hi Dendari,

> On Apr 20, 2017, at 17:23, Dendari Marini <dendari92 at gmail.com> wrote:
> qdisc cake 8002: dev ifb4eth0 root refcnt 2 bandwidth 16Mbit diffserv3 dual-dsthost nat ingress rtt 100.0ms raw 

It seems you are lacking the proper link layer accounting, with an ADSL line you in all likelihood will need to add the atm keyword for both directions. I also concur with Jonathan that you shou;d set the correct overhead parameter, as a first test adding “atm overhead 48” to your cake invocation should help to test this theory. If this helps you could try to inquire from your ISP which encapsulation is used (or use https://github.com/moeller0/ATM_overhead_detector to try to empirically figure out the actual overhead).

Best Regards

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