[Cake] low bandwidth default params best effort vs voice latency.

Andy Furniss adf.lists at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 14:28:18 EST 2017

Jonathan Morton wrote:
>> On 4 Mar, 2017, at 20:21, Andy Furniss <adf.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I mark icmp as ef which does go to voice and repeat the test.
>> It performs slightly worse for max delay.
> Hmm.
> If I’m reading those fping commands right, you’re sending a total of 36KB/s in ICMP (4x 60pps 150B), which should fit into the 25% Voice allocation on a 2Mbps (250KB/s) uplink.  Under these circumstances, Voice should still be prioritised relative to Best Effort.  Adding over 10ms of RTT is not what’s expected.
> Let me think carefully about how this filters through the priority layer.  I may need to tweak it a bit.

Thanks, I should be under rate, though for clarity I am using 3 pingers
so 3x 62pps x (150 + 28 + 34) with my overheads.

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