[Cake] Query on ACK

Avakash bhat avakash261 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 01:22:39 EDT 2020

Hi all,

Thank you for the clarification. We will try implementing a similar test.

Thanks to the Cake community's continued support we were able to
successfully merge the set-associative flow hash module into ns-3 (

Hopefully, we are able to achieve a similar result with the ack filter
module and we will continue to work to do so.

Avakash Bhat

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 8:13 PM Jonathan Morton <chromatix99 at gmail.com>

> > On 14 Jun, 2020, at 3:43 pm, Avakash bhat <avakash261 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I wanted another clarification on the results obtained by the Ack
> filtering experiment( Fig 6) .
> > Was the experiment conducted with only ack filtering enabled?
> > Or was set associative hash and the other modules of Cake enabled along
> with Ack filtering while running this experiment ?
> The test was run on a complete implementation of Cake, set up in the
> normal way.  I think we kept the configuration simple for this test, so
> everything at defaults except for choosing the shaped bandwidth in each
> direction.
> The ack-filter relies on having fairly good flow isolation, so that
> consecutive packets in the appropriate queue belong to the same ack
> stream.  So at minimum it is appropriate to have the set-associative flow
> hash enabled.
> The host-fairness and Diffserv features were probably enabled, but did not
> have relevant effects in this case, since only one pair of hosts and the
> Best Effort DSCP were used in the traffic.
>  - Jonathan Morton
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