[Cerowrt-devel] UPDATE: IPv6 & 3.3.8-21 - working fine...

Richard Brown richard.e.brown at dartware.com
Fri Sep 14 20:21:16 EDT 2012


Here's an update on functioning of IPv6 in CeroWrt. I had posted a note in mid-August saying that I had troubles making IPv6 work properly in 3.3.8-17. Specifically, I was using the script from http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/IPv6_Tunnel to configure IPv6 to work with Hurricane Electric's free Tunnelbroker.net service, and it not all interfaces got addresses as expected.

After a bit of testing, I am happy to say that the script on the IPv6 Tunnel page above seems to work properly on 3.3.8-21, the latest CeroWrt build. This script is substantially the same as earlier versions: I didn't have to tweak any radvd or other configs beyond what's in this script.


Rich Brown
Hanover, NH

PS I also posted a note about using mDNS/Bonjour on CeroWrt. By default, this works as desired on all the local interfaces; the note (http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/cerowrt/wiki/Using_Bonjour_mDNS_or_ZeroConf_with_CeroWrt) gives instructions for passing the mDNS traffic out the WAN port, for instances where you are using CeroWrt as a secondary router in your home.

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