[Cerowrt-devel] the week in cerowrt

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 17:54:01 EDT 2012

I haven't quite got a full set of release notes up yet for sugarland.

The initial bug reports were so few - and YEA! all in userspace, not
kernelspace - that I'd hoped to have up fixes up by today in a
refreshed opkg repo, rather than new firmware. This would eliminate
the need for me to cut another release before openwrt's freeze ends.

I didn't make it. I DID get a new donate/subscribe page up, though,


If you tried to donate or subscribe already, I refunded your
money/subscription via amazon, and this is paypal as a provider this
which doesn't have the EULA problem we hit.


This week...

I have spent the most time on trying to improve qos-scripts and
simple_qos.sh. These are the blockers to the next formal release.

Right now....

We have a 6to4 configuration bug (#406) that remains unresolved for
multiple interfaces (partial fix for it in openwrt head), miniupnpd
fails to compile probably because I have iproute 3.5.1 in cero, not
3.3, or some other issue with my iptables version, and dlna has some
other issue. But there is a compiling version of trondah's minisdpd
package now in ceropackages-3.3...

I'm taking saturday off for a mental refresh.

Sunday I hope to push up the-known-good new current cerowrt patches to
openwrt, refresh the ubnt stuff to openwrt head, and fiddle with that
in the test deployment.... Please abuse sugarland as much as possible,
and if anything crashes between now and sunday, do post/bugreport

I plan to do a new cerowrt release patched from openwrt stable sources
when they go final. mid-late october, probably. Get your feature
requests in now!

After they freeze and ship, the openwrt folk are discussing jumping to
Linux-3.6 for their next development cycle.

I have always pretty much planned on freezing a stable Cerowrt-3.3
(for use on your main home gw), and then leaping back onto the fast
development track to keep making incremental improvements. The
prospect of maintaining the freeze AND doing new development
intimidates me, however. I do hope we can find new ways of offloading
me, and of parallizing the process and bringing newer devels on board
for this next cycle.

I have been working ( a little bit) on tracking the x86_64 version of
linux-3.6-rcX - those packages are here:


I note there are issues with webcam and Xwindow support in the x86_64
rc6 release right now. rc7 is out, I haven't tried it yet.

Dave Täht

Please help fix bufferbloat with cerowrt:

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