[Cerowrt-devel] Fixing simple_qos.sh

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 07:28:47 EST 2013

A couple things:

It has long been my plan to integrate simple_qos (call it ceroshaper) into
the gui, and have a test run automatically to determine the uplink/downlink
bandwidth, and store that in upnp.

The gui interface stuff has long defeated me, as well as finding enough
servers to be the backend portion of the test. as for the latter portion, I
have got a couple linode boxes up and hope to get some more boxes from
another resource. as for the gui, I'm just hopeless there.

As for the shaper script...

One thing I notice right now is that an awful lot of stuff ends up in the
background bin for some reason.

Similar things are happening on (unshaped) wifi. There's a bug there I

It's been my hope to finish cake (simple_qos poured into C and made more 32
bit cpu oriented) for a month now. I hope that will fix the background bin
thing as it does full diffserv classification - but I don't know when I'll
be done, so it would be nice to figure out what's going on.

One thing that testing (actually kathie) revealed last week is that 1024
nfq_codel flows may be excessive. 32 works pretty good, actually, and
provides a defense indirectly, against bittorrent eating your life. Why
that works is that codel works pretty good against one or a few flows in a
single bin, and 32 bins limits the amount of delay that can be injected
into the system that is unmanagable via codel. I'd been trying for "perfect
isolation" between flows, but that meant that in an extreme overload
situation with 100s of flows, and low bandwidth, delay could get out of

Heck, 16 bins might be enough. Don't know.

Dave Täht

Fixing bufferbloat with cerowrt:
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