[Cerowrt-devel] DLNA between wired and wireless again

jason arends jason.arends at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 13:50:30 EDT 2013

Would this ipmr part in the 902-debloat_proc.patch script be messing with

--- a/net/ipv4/ipmr.c
+++ b/net/ipv4/ipmr.c
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@
 #define CONFIG_IP_PIMSM 1

 struct mr_table {
  struct list_head list;

Unfortunately I am not sure how to test this or recompile without that
part, I'm just browsing on github.  Oh, and I just found this while trying
to understand what it does also:
https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/36529/trunk where it looks like they took
that part out.  I notice in my /proc/net I have ip6_mr* but no ip_mr stuff


On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 3:07 PM, jason arends <jason.arends at gmail.com>wrote:

> After realizing you can't put numeric ip's in replies... here's my
> reformatted reply.  I removed the middle octets in some places, but I hope
> it's still obvious.  Let me know if there's a better place to discuss this.
> I've done a few things based on some googling... I'm no expert, just using
> this as my home router.  Here's what i can remember changing so far:
> To make sure the packets with TTL of 1 don't die going through the router:
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i se00 -d 224 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0/4 -j TTL --ttl-inc 1
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i sw00 -d (224..0/4) -j TTL --ttl-inc 1
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i sw10 -d (224..0/4) -j TTL --ttl-inc 1
> some websites said you need a route for multicast so I did:
> ip route add to 224 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0/4 dev se00
> I've tried adding the same for sw10 and sw00 but didnt' seem to help, but
> I'm not sure about putting just the se00 in there.  The thing about this is
> when i do:
> ip mroute show
> it's blank, but I'm not sure if that should show something.  I also get
> this, which I'm not sure is good or bad, but someone may be able to
> interpret:
> #ip route get 224 dot 0 dot 0 dot 1 from 172 dot 30 dot 42 dot 70 iif sw00
> multicast 224..1 from 172..70 dev lo
>     cache <local,mc>  iif *
> From http://www.policyrouting.org/iproute2.doc.html it has an example
> where the output looks like this though with the Oifs showing the other
> device and pimreg, so I'm not sure pim is working right:
> cache <mc> iif eth0 Oifs eth1 pimreg
> I've setup my pimd.conf like this (comments removed and middle octets
> removed, hopefully obviously):
> default_source_preference       101
> default_source_metric           1024
> phyint ge00 disable
> phyint gw00 disable
> phyint gw10 disable
> cand_rp 172..1 time 60 priority 20
> cand_bootstrap_router 172..1 priority 5
> rp_address 172..1 224..0 masklen 4 priority 5
> group_prefix 224..0 masklen 4
> switch_data_threshold           rate 50000 interval 20  # 50kbps (approx.)
> switch_register_threshold       rate 50000 interval 20  # 50kbps (approx.)
> I did also install miniDLNA and setup the router to stream media from a usb drive, both wired and wireless can see and stream from that just fine, but not sure if that has any impact on the issue.
> Right now if I open a dlna application on wireless, it can see my wired computer.  They appear to exchange SSDP search and notify packets, but when they try to view contents of the media on the wired computer or the wired computer tries to discover other devices on wireless, it fails.  If I turn on the wifi card in the wired computer as well, all the devices instantly show up and everything works, so that makes me think the computer itself is fine... unless there's something that tells it to ignore or refuse devices on other subnets.
> ~jason
> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Maciej Soltysiak <maciej at soltysiak.com>wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 5:16 PM, jason arends <jason.arends at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Saw this post
>>> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/cerowrt-devel/2013-January/000924.html which
>>> said it was working in 3.7.2-4, but I haven't been able to get this working
>>> right for me on 3.7.5-2.  Did something change that broke this or have I
>>> misconfigured something?  After some fiddling with pimd, route, miniupnpd,
>>> minissdpd, etc, I have ended up where the client on wireless (Xbox360
>>> console) can see my wired computer (Win 8) but when it tries to open it, it
>>> can't browse the contents.  This works when both are on the same wireless,
>>> but I get some buffering/lag in video playback
>> I had the same problems. I was then able to hint Dave where the issue
>> might be and it really was working out of the box for me (Wired Samsung TV,
>> win7 laptop on 802.11g and n).
>> Unfortunately since then I was never able to figure out what's going on.
>> Are you able to share what you did to improve your situation?
>> In wireshark, I see the SSDP search from the Xbox and then when the Xbox
>>> tries to access it, the computer replying to the console with a Server
>>> Error 500 containing "Access Denied" and I think it's because the computer
>>> can't see the console.  I can ping it though.  When I put the computer on
>>> the same wireless as the console, then open the Network folder and hit
>>> refresh, the Xbox pops up along with other things on wireless (Roku, etc)
>>> but when the computer is wired, it doesn't see any of those, so I think
>>> something about the SSDP packets isn't working quite right between subnets
>>> or with pimd.  My guess is the SSDP search from the computer isn't getting
>>> to the wifi, only vice versa.
>> You're in a better situation than I am in. To me, Error 500 suggests the
>> issue is located outside minissdpd or the router.
>>> Not sure where to go next, any ideas?  (is this the right place to
>>> ask/troubleshoot this?)
>> I don't know a better one.
>> Maciej
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