[Cerowrt-devel] [Bloat] Latest codel, fq_codel, and pie sim study from cablelabs now available

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Tue May 7 09:31:05 EDT 2013

>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Barber <simon at superduper.net> writes:
    Simon> Or one could use more queues in SFQ, so that the chance of 2
    Simon> streams sharing 
    Simon> a queue is small. Even perhaps use a different strategy than
    Simon> hashing to 
    Simon> distribute traffic to queues, although whatever strategy is
    Simon> used needs to be 
    Simon> resistant to DoS attacks. Or one could classify the VoIP traffic and
    Simon> prioritise that. Another possibility is a heuristic approach
    Simon> - don't mix long 
    Simon> lived bulk data streams in the same bucket as others.

1) try to give each IPv6 non-zero flow label stream to it's own bucket.
   (use a closed hashing strategy)
   Yes, this leverages an IPv6 feature which should promote v6...

2) otherwise, hash TCP and UDP streams into seperate pools.  On simple
   networks with no gaming, this results in VoIP RTP flows and DNS
   always getting their own stream.
   On networks with agressive UDP flows which do not react, one needs
   another method to seperate the flows and penalize them individually.
   if NAT is involved, then conn-tracking can basically give every flow
   it's own queue, because they are already uniquely identified.

   I think that the number of queues for TCP streams can be smaller than
   for UDP streams, as the TCP streams are more likely to respond to
   congestion signals.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     mcr at sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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