[Cerowrt-devel] cerowrt 3.10.17-6 released

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 22:17:32 EDT 2013

+ resync with openwrt
+ dnsmasq 2.68test1
+ pie v3 (as submitted to the netdev list)
- no sysupgrade fix
- dnsmasq still restarted via /etc/rc.local

That's at:


untested. I am getting in a vehicle for vancouver in 2 minutes....

I also just built (and tested) the same code for the nanostation m5
and picostation.


Note: this is a rather specialized build for the yurtlab, with
hardcoded ips and a hard dependency on babel being up and running, and
it was a collossal PITA to make it do both a mesh and a AP mode (basically
wlan0 MUST be the AP, wlan0-1 can be ad-hoc and then you have to edit
the network and dhcp and babel files appropriately... which I should
document if anyone cares to try this hardware. (I also note this has
my public key allowed in by default, you should nuke it if you try it)

Unless more bugs show up in pie or dnsmasq I'm not going to touch this
stuff for a week. See you at ietf! The aqm and iccrg and webrtc and
rmcat meetings should be pretty interesting.

Dave Täht

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