[Cerowrt-users] IPv6 router advertisements on custom interfaces

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Sun Dec 9 18:04:03 EST 2012

First question, why are there two radvd processes?

3343 root       964 S    /usr/sbin/radvd -C /var/etc/radvd.conf -m stderr_sys
3345 root       964 S    /usr/sbin/radvd -C /var/etc/radvd.conf -m stderr_sys

Is this just a thread issue?

second question, none of my custom interfaces are in /var/etc/radvd.conf?

Can I hack /etc/config/firewall directly rather than go through the UI?
I think so....?

Could I attach blinking LEDs to VLANs?
(ps: whatever problems I had with ethernet mii between my cerowrt and
a cisco 200-26 switch in the summer, seems to have gone away)

On an IPv6 interface which is not my uplink, I think that IPv6 gateway
should be blank.  That the router should advertise iself.

I also think that the words "Send router soliciations" is wrong, that it
should say, "Send router advertisements".

I had to put my custom interfaces into /etc/config/radvd.

config interface
        option interface 'trusted'
        option AdvSendAdvert '1'
        option AdvRouterAddr '1'
        option AdvLinkMTU '1480'
        option ignore '0'
        option IgnoreIfMissing '1'
        option AdvSourceLLAddress '1'
        option AdvDefaultPreference 'medium'
        option AdvOtherConfigFlag '1'

config prefix
        option interface 'trusted'
        list prefix ''
        option AdvOnLink '1'
        option AdvAutonomous '1'
        option AdvRouterAddr '0'
        option ignore '0'

I don't see a place in the UI where this is edited, but I could be
missing it.

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzx1ycLXQSE>
	               then sign the petition. 

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