[Codel] Python scripts from ns-3-dev GitHub repo

Andrew McGregor andrewmcgr at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 06:58:18 EST 2013

Yes, sorry.  Very much work in progress, and was uploaded in a hurry.

Still, glad you got somewhere with it.


On 31/01/2013, at 9:57 PM, Igor Maravić <igorm at etf.rs> wrote:

> Thanks Andrew,
> I managed to start simulations. Unfortunately it wasn't as easy as expected.
> You forgot to add patch that added some cmd line arguments to tcp-qfp
> and which you're using in python script + there were some problems
> with python script.
> Anyway, Thanks :)
> BR
> Igor
> 2013/1/31 Andrew McGregor <andrewmcgr at gmail.com>:
>> Ok, so multirun.py runs a whole set of experiments.  The various commented
>> bits of code around line 85 give ways to do ranges of options in several
>> different ways.  The options are just passed as text to tcp_qfp.cc.  It runs
>> experiment cases in parallel, one for each core in your machine.
>> That will produce a huge number of files, with names that tell you which
>> experiment they belong to and which nodes in the topology they were
>> collected from.  Then you can analyse them.
>> burstmemoryestimators.py is a graphing routine that gives you a whole lot of
>> information about what happened in each run.  It opens the ptrace files left
>> by the experiment (passed as an argument, you want a file called something
>> like tcp_qfp-1-11-Left.pcap if there were 10 nodes in your experiment), and
>> calculates a bunch of statistics: packet interarrival time (blue dots),
>> burstiness metric (red) and queue markov memory metric (green).
>> The burstiness metric runs from -1 (periodic) through 0 (Poisson process) to
>> +1 (1/f noise).
>> The memory metric is zero if the queue is perfectly memoryless, and non-zero
>> proportional to how much memory it has.  Thus it shows the queue's
>> contribution to interarrival time statistics.  Note that a queue is
>> memoryless both if it is empty OR if it is completely full, and this metric
>> is signed (negative if the queue is draining).
>> It only makes sense to run this script on a leaf link; if there is more than
>> one flow, the estimators will not track flows separately and thus will not
>> make sense.
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:21 PM, Igor Maravić <igorm at etf.rs> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> I'm trying to use useful python scripts from ns-3-dev GitHub repo, but
>>> unsuccessfully.
>>> Could you provide some usage cases on how they should be used?
>>> BR
>>> Igor
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