[LibreQoS] ookla speedtest results?

Robert Chacón robert.chacon at jackrabbitwireless.com
Mon Oct 24 16:16:52 EDT 2022

Here's a customer on a 200/30 Mbps plan via Fixed Wireless
LibreQoS using cake diffserv4.
LTU-LR is the client radio. Home WiFi is 802.11AC which is where most of
the bloat comes from.
[image: bloat_ookla.png]

When he tests by Ethernet bloat is 8ms instead of 40ms

On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 12:28 PM Dave Taht via LibreQoS <
libreqos at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:

> Although I'm enjoying a good wide-ranging debate... is it possible one
> or more of you could
> take a speedtest.net test, click on results so you see the
> "responsiveness" data, and post a screen shot?
> Perlease??
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Robert Chacón
CEO | JackRabbit Wireless LLC <http://jackrabbitwireless.com>
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