[LibreQoS] Fwd: [ih] Larry Roberts & RD the first electronic mail manager software [was written in TECO on TENEX]

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 16:50:22 EDT 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jack Haverty via Internet-history <internet-history at elists.isoc.org>
Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ih] Larry Roberts & RD the first electronic mail manager
software [was written in TECO on TENEX]
To: <internet-history at elists.isoc.org>

Just a few years ago, I stumbled across an Annual Report that MIT
submitted for one year's work in the early 70s.  Since I was there at
the time, I was curious how history recorded what we were doing then.
Looking at the section for our group, I found a description of a
revolutionary implementation of a teleconferencing system that allowed
people to interact in real time using the ARPANET which had been
completed that year.

I didn't remember that we had built any teleconferencing system. Of
course with age comes memory loss.  But I remember lots of stuff we did
then, but not a "teleconferencing system".   A sign of encroaching

With further investigation...

A bunch of us at MIT in Licklider's group spent a lot of hours getting
multi-player MazeWar running on our fancy new Imlac minicomputers.
Someone added a feature where players could trash-talk each other with a
shared screen space trying to lure them into an ambush or gloat on
another kill.   MazeWars of course had nothing to do with whatever
research we were doing.   Gettings MazeWar going was just a lot of fun.
We all thought MazeWars was just a cool hack and extremely addictive
game.   If curious, see

But the experience did reveal, to me at least, the importance of
latency, and the difficulties of getting a bunch of computers to
interact over a network.   Imlacs had no I/O except RS232.  So, our
"LAN" was a star-shaped configuration with Imlac minicomputers connected
via RS232 to our PDP-10 as the center of the star (7 floors away), and I
had goosed the RS232 hardware well beyond its spec to achieve almost 100
kb/sec.  I tried to convince BBN to upgrade the TIP hardware to support
higher speed "terminals", but was rebuffed -- "The TIP supports
terminals up to the maximum reasonable speed of 9600 bits/second."

MIT's Annual Report touted Maze as a "teleconferencing system".


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Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

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