[LibreQoS] LibreQoS upstream + Cake/FQ_Codel in CPE Router?

Ignacio Ocampo nafiux at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 22:35:07 EDT 2023

Hi all,

Is it recommended (or not), to run Cake/FQ_Codel in CPE routers, even if
LibreQoS is running upstream?

If so, which are the advantages? Also, I'm assuming I will have to set
up the router with a lower bandwidth than the assigned by LibreQoS?

For instance, if LibreQoS is assigning 13Mbit to the customer, the router
(with Cake or FQ_Codel) enabled need to have a limit of ~11Mbit?

Please advise. Thanks!

Ignacio Ocampo
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