[LibreQoS] Fwd: Don't Forget to Register! How Quality of Install (QoI) Can Improve Home WiFi Customer Experience on 1/16

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 14:35:22 EST 2024

QoI and QoE?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fiber Broadband Association <infofiber at fiberbroadband.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Subject: Don't Forget to Register! How Quality of Install (QoI) Can Improve
Home WiFi Customer Experience on 1/16
To: <dave.taht at gmail.com>

*Save your spot for this January 16th webinar!
*How Quality of Install (QoI) * *Can Improve Home WiFi Customer Experience*
* Complimentary Webinar Presented by:*

*Tuesday, January 16, 2024*

*12:00 PM EST*

For Service Providers, delivering the best customer experience means
providing residential WiFi subscribers with the fastest possible speeds,
low latency, and flawless connectivity to all devices throughout their
homes from day 1 on. This is often measured as Quality of Experience (QoE).

Failing to deliver a good QoE can result in customer churn, lower ARPU, and
higher support costs. So how can Service Providers ensure they deliver a
high WiFi QoE every time?

Join us on Tuesday, January 16 at 12 pm EST, as we introduce Quality of
Install (QoI) - 5 key metrics that quantitatively measure quality of WiFi
installations - and how they can improve the overall customer experience.

In this session, we will cover:

   - Challenges associated with the current technician WiFi installation
   - The differences between QoI and QoE and how they complement each other
   - How one leading Service Provider is leveraging RouteThis Certify to
   consistently install quality WiFi networks and exceed customer expectations

Register Now

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Fiber Broadband Association

3050 K Street NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC 20007

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40 years of net history, a couple songs:
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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