[Make-wifi-fast] what is the state of the airtime fairness patches?

Toke Høiland-Jørgensen toke at toke.dk
Fri Jan 19 04:58:49 EST 2018

Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke at toke.dk> writes:

>> Is there anything you would like me to gather in this environment?
> Hmm, things that might be interesting:
> - Distribution of client capabilities (5/2.4Ghz, MIMO mode, n/ac,
>   achieved rates, etc. - however much data you can reasonably gather)
> - Lasthop latency experienced by the clients (you could get this by
>   capturing TCP handshakes and measuring the ACK-SYNACK delay, as shown
>   in Figure 1 of this paper:
>   https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2999572.2999603) - this could
>   give an indication of bloat in the client drivers.
> - QoS usage (how much traffic is sent on each of the VO/VI/BE/BK
>   queues).

A few more things for the list:

- The number of stations that have packets queued at the AP over time.

- Distribution of traffic between protocols (v4/v6, TCP/UDP/others).


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