[Make-wifi-fast] An "Accurate" Platform for Investigating TCP Performance in Wi-Fi Networks

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 21:54:50 EDT 2023

On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 6:48 PM Bob McMahon <bob.mcmahon at broadcom.com> wrote:
> I think making WiFi tech accessible to students is a very good thing. That students make mistakes is also a good thing.

https://github.com/open-sdr/openwifi is making half decent progress.

>I understand the frustration though.

I had opened that paper hoping for something more.

> I've recently rolled out a raspberry pi 4 crib sheet on how to build an L4S capable device. It's a fun project and comes in at around $100 U.S.  Throw in some switches, USB WiFi cards, ethernet for control, a GPS hat for pulse per second, use iperf 2 and pyflows. All for less than $500.
> The expensive part is placing the RF under control but that's doable too - though likely in the few thousands of dollars and maybe just a bit more. The math is already done thanks to those studying molecular evolution.

That FPGA above looks promising.

> Bob
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM Dave Taht via Make-wifi-fast <make-wifi-fast at lists.bufferbloat.net> wrote:
>> It is hard to contain my disappointment that a modern work on wifi,
>> that even mentions bufferbloat, could have missed our work on fixing
>> wifi (such as "ending the anomaly", now the default APIs in the linux
>> kernel), and make claims for the emulator that are so completely
>> wrong, and further claim that the behaviors matched a real world AP.
>> re: https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/futureinternet/futureinternet-15-00246/article_deploy/futureinternet-15-00246.pdf?version=1689771540
>> Can I suggest strongly to the authors that they try to understand rate
>> vs range vs buffering, the intersection of the half duplex txop
>> infrastructure with multiple stations, the side effects of
>> aggregation, and other scheduling difficulties mininet does not come
>> even close to handling?
>> 20 packet buffers?? A more typical number is much greater.
>> Test through walls or at distance?
>> Here are 4 resources that might help deepen your understanding.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb-UnHDw02o&t=1532s (10 minutes here,
>> but do the whole thing)
>> https://bufferbloat-and-beyond.net/
>> https://www.cs.kau.se/tohojo/airtime-fairness/
>> https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/minstrel/
>> --
>> Podcast: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7058793910227111937/
>> Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos
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Podcast: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7058793910227111937/
Dave Täht CSO, LibreQos

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