[Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering

David Lang david at lang.hm
Sat Sep 9 00:15:08 EDT 2023

On Sat, 9 Sep 2023, Larry Press via Starlink wrote:

> Why does Elon Musk object to the use of Starlink for navigation?

He hasn't said, but I suspect a couple reasons

limitations on what SpaceX can do, orbital changes, protocol changes, etc 
could all affect people depending on something that Starlink wasn't intending to 
offer in the first place

liability, what happens when the navigation gives the wrong location because 
of a change Starlink made.

to use the satellite signals, you not only need the timing, you need rather 
precise orbital information. If the satellites are modifying their orbits 
autonomously, how does that information get to everyone?

For normal Starlink purposes, the satellites determine which sat is covering 
what area on the ground and the ground stations can react to the different sats 
that they hear (beaming back on reciprical bearings or the beam info can be in 
the handshake)

but navigation requires getting the signals from many sats at once to work out 
the timing between them

note, I have no inside info, this is just my version of logical guessing.

David Lang

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