September 2023 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Sep 1 02:39:21 EDT 2023
Ending: Sat Sep 30 17:57:04 EDT 2023
Messages: 200
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Inemesit Affia
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Inemesit Affia
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Inemesit Affia
- [Starlink] Talks: Satellite broadband for the masses: Are we there yet?
Inemesit Affia
- [Starlink] [Sat-int] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Jorge Amodio
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [EXTERNAL] Re: [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Erik Auerswald
- [Starlink] tarana strikes back
Jeremy Austin
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Jeremy Austin
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Marc Blanchet
- [Starlink] Elon Musk hooked up on Starlink in-flight, speaking at All-in Summit
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] Elon Musk hooked up on Starlink in-flight, speaking at All-in Summit
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [LibreQoS] [Bloat] net neutrality back in the news
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Frantisek Borsik
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Rich Brown
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Noel Butler
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Vint Cerf
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Vint Cerf
- [Starlink] [Bloat] retransmit cost over cellular
Juliusz Chroboczek
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Juliusz Chroboczek
- [Starlink] [Bloat] retransmit cost over cellular
Juliusz Chroboczek
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Juliusz Chroboczek
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Juliusz Chroboczek
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Mike Conlow
- [Starlink] Starlink Bufferbloat
Luis A. Cornejo
- [Starlink] tarana strikes back
Luis A. Cornejo
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Gert Doering
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Gert Doering
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Gert Doering
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Gert Doering
- [Starlink] Vodafone seals satellite deal with Project Kuiper
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Starlink signals can be reverse-engineered to work like GPS—whether SpaceX likes it or not
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] CFP: Integrated Non Terrestrial and Terrestrial (NTN/TN) Quantum Networks | IEEE Communications Society
Hesham ElBakoury
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Fernández
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Fernández
- [Starlink] the website for the end of the world
David Fernández
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
David Fernández
- [Starlink] Starlink Digest, Vol 30, Issue 38
David Fernández
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
David Fernández
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
David Fernández
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
Jim Forster
- [Starlink] Getting Google to index. was:Re: [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Rodney W. Grimes
- [Starlink] cross layer queue management
David Lang
- [Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering
David Lang
- [Starlink] Measuring a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] [Bloat] retransmit cost over cellular
David Lang
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] [Sat-int] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
David Lang
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
David Lang
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
David Lang
- [Starlink] tarana strikes back
David Lang
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
David Lang
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
David Lang
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
David Lang
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
David Lang
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
David Lang
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
David Lang
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
David Lang
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] Starlink Performance Study
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [EXTERNAL] Re: [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [EXTERNAL] Re: [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Livingood, Jason
- [Starlink] [Rpm] retransmit cost over cellular
Robert McMahon
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
Sebastian Moeller
- [Starlink] Starlink Internet outage on Sept 13 detected at Cloudflare radar
Nitinder Mohan
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Jonathan Morton
- [Starlink] Fwd: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace (fwd) IETF Secretariat: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Measuring a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] a puzzling starlink uplink trace
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Elon Musk hooked up on Starlink in-flight, speaking at All-in Summit
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Measuring a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] [Sat-int] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Phased array dish
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] the website for the end of the world
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
Alexandre Petrescu
- [Starlink] Starlink Reverse Engineering
Larry Press
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Larry Press
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Larry Press
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Larry Press
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Larry Press
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Mike Puchol
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Michael Richardson
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Michael Richardson
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Michael Richardson
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Michael Richardson
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Hayden Simon
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] Speaking of retirements...
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
Ulrich Speidel
- [Starlink] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
Steve Stroh
- [Starlink] trouble in the deep space network
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] capturing some cake-mq requirements
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] On FiWi
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] cross layer queue management
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] cross layer queue management
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Fwd: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace (fwd) IETF Secretariat: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace (fwd) IETF Secretariat: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace (fwd) IETF Secretariat: New Non-WG Mailing List: deepspace
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Elon Musk hooked up on Starlink in-flight, speaking at All-in Summit
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Measuring a Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Network
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] retransmit cost over cellular
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] impressed with my starlink today
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] the website for the end of the world
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Starlink lost over 200 satellites in two months – tracker data
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] starlink testers wanted: cake-autorate 3.1.1
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Starlink Performance Study
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] the website for the end of the world
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] revisiting the old "starwrt" plan
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] tarana strikes back
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] APNIC56 last week
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] tarana strikes back
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] [Bloat] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] [Bloat] net neutrality back in the news
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] New email list: NNagain for network neutrality
Dave Taht
- [Starlink] Talks: Satellite broadband for the masses: Are we there yet?
Jinwei Zhao
- [Starlink] Starlink Bufferbloat
Tom Zubko
- [Starlink] Starlink Bufferbloat
Tom Zubko
- [Starlink] Phased array dish
Tom Zubko
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] Starlink cell capacity (was; tarana strikes back)
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
- [Starlink] [LibreQoS] [Bloat] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
- [Starlink] [Rpm] [Bloat] [LibreQoS] net neutrality back in the news
- [Starlink] the website for the end of the world
tom at
- [Starlink] Fwd: Opinion 'How am I in this war?': The untold story of Elon Musk's support for Ukraine (Walter Isaacson mistake/correction)
the keyboard of geoff goodfellow
- [Starlink] SpaceX no longer taking losses to produce Starlink satellite antennas, a key step to improving profitability
the keyboard of geoff goodfellow
- [Starlink] "Starlink, as of now animations & the average of 5.5 V1.5 satellites manufactured PER DAY.
the keyboard of geoff goodfellow
- [Starlink] Starlink lost over 200 satellites in two months – tracker data
the keyboard of geoff goodfellow
- [Starlink] [Sat-int] Main hurdles against the Integration of Satellites and Terrestial Networks
emile.stephan at
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
- [Starlink] [Rpm] net neutrality back in the news
Last message date:
Sat Sep 30 17:57:04 EDT 2023
Archived on: Fri Nov 10 08:16:19 EST 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).