[Cerowrt-devel] [openwrt sqm howto] adsl is confusing - you may end up setting well above 100% of the speed test result!

Rich Brown richb.hanover at gmail.com
Mon May 11 09:12:47 EDT 2015

HI Alan,

Thanks for these thoughts.

On May 11, 2015, at 2:58 AM, Alan Jenkins <alan.christopher.jenkins at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/05/15 02:24, Rich Brown wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> Thanks for your note. I noticed the same effect on my DSL link - the SQM up/download speeds in the web GUI wound up at the sync speeds of my modem (the modem's gui to shows those speeds) and the latency stays under control. (I did try setting them higher, but got into bloat trouble...)
>> I decided to move the DSL info into a new section on tuning SQM. See: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/sqm?&#a_little_about_tuning_sqm
>> Does this match your understanding? Thanks!
> That looks good.  As a DSL user I might feel disappointed if the instructions told me to reduce speed tests by over 20%, then left it to me to work out the rest.  And then what I worked out were figures that didn't seem to make sense :).
> - I think the last three sections should be sub-sections of "The longer description".  They're like an appendix after the howto itself.

You're right. Fixed.

> - You've catered to DSL users, but now the information about cable SpeedBoost is relegated to the appendix.  Maybe fair for the moment as we don't have a concrete instruction for a "longer test".  I've used testmy.net which lets you specify download & uploads in megabytes if you want, so maybe that's what it needs.

I put DSL and Cable proviso's together. Check it now. I do wish I had an easy speed test that I was sure would overpower SpeedBoost... 

> - Thanks for writing up the install steps!  I think those are really helpful, particularly when we encourage new people to try OpenWrt and SQM.

In my old company, we used to say, "We promise not to fix it if we don't know it's broke." There's a corollary: people promise not to try something if they don't know how... A lot of people have worked very hard on SQM/fq_codel, and it kills me to think that people are trying to tweak Wondershaper when they could just turn on SQM...

> Alan


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